There are new pension rules in the Netherlands. Curious about what will change and what will stay the same? You will be up to speed in just 1.5 minutes.
PME will switch to a new pension scheme as well. We aim to switch on 1 January 2027, a year later than previously stated. Employers and employees have made arrangements about the new scheme we will then get. Want to know what this means for you? Read on and sign up for the webinar.
Earlier this month, you received your annual statement of 2024 and a specification from us. You need the annual statement for your tax return. And in the specification you can see how much pension you will receive in 2025. We increased your pension on 1 January by 0.3 percent. This increase is incorporated in the specification. Want to know more? On our website you can read all about your pension in 2025.
Our funding ratio increased in the 4th quarter of 2024. The funding ratio indicates whether we have enough cash to pay every pension, now and in the future.
Got a question about your pension? We will be happy to help you. You can reach us on any business day between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Call 088 194 70 01, chat with us or email