25 januari 2024

Your pension increases

PME has increased pensions. As of 1 January 2024, everyone will get 3.26% extra. You have received your higher pension in your account for the first time on 23 January. The increase is possible because the government has relaxed the rules. With this relaxation, the government is already anticipating the new rules for pensions. PME is expected to switch to these new rules in 2026. Would you like to know more? Then go to pmepensioen.nl/en/increase. Or watch the webinar (with English subtitles) we have made about this topic.

Watch the webinar

PME funding ratio decreased

Our funding ratio decreased in the fourth quarter of 2023. The reason is that we increased pensions. In addition, the interest rate went down. The funding ratio indicates whether we have enough funds to pay all pensions. Now and in the future.

Click how to see how we are doing

You will get your pension on the following days

We will pay your pension on the following dates. Usually, the transaction will show up in your bank account on the very same day.

  • Thursday 22 February
  • Thursday 21 March
  • Tuesday 23 April

All payment dates in 2024

Annual statement and specification

Earlier this month you received your annual statement for 2023 and a specification from us. You will need the annual statement for your tax return. The specification tells you how much pension you will receive in 2024. Would you like to know more? Read all about your pension in 2024 on our website.

Your pension in 2024

Meetings: PME is coming to you

On 18 December, we organised a special event at the Evoluon in Eindhoven: the first meeting for our pensioners since COVID. Topics we discussed included the increase in pensions and the transition to the new pension rules. And there was ample room to socialise, of course. In the coming period, we will be travelling throughout the country. You will automatically get an invitation when we are about to visit your area.

Watch the video of the meeting in Eindhoven

Not satisfied? Let us know!

Every day, we are committed to working for everyone with a pension at PME. But it is possible that you are not satisfied with something. For instance with our service or a decision we have made. You can read how to submit a complaint on our website. Since 1 January there is an additional option: the new Geschilleninstantie Pensioenfondsen has been set up especially for any problems you and your pension fund are unable to settle. Would you like to know more? Go to our website for more information.

How to submit a complaint

We're here to help

Questions about your pension? We will be pleased to help you. You can reach us on business days between 8am and 5pm. Call +31 (0)88 194 70 01, chat with us or send an email to deelnemer@pmepensioen.nl.


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